A∙WOL is proud to have research partnerships with leading, like-minded institutions across the globe.
Our relationship with each partner is unique yet collectively focussed on a common commitment to eradicate disease in NTD endemic regions of the world.
AbbVie AbbVie goes beyond medicine to make an impact in the community through volunteering, corporate culture and the AbbVie Foundation.
AstraZeneca AstraZeneca is committed to developing and implementing scientific advancement in infection and vaccines.
Eisai Inc Eisai believes that it is the mission of modern research and development based pharmaceutical companies to create innovative new medicines and contribute to global health and medicine.
The University of Buea The Faculty of Science is concerned with the pursuit of scientific truth through research and teaching.
Universitäts Klinikum Bonn The group at Bonn study the therapy of filarial infection via the antibiotic elimination of Wolbachia bacteria in parasitic worms.
University of California, San Francisco UCSF conducts macrofilaricide studies to find lead compounds that treat filarial diseases in life cycle stages where current treatment is ineffective.
University of Liverpool The Chemistry Department is internationally known for its research in fields such as materials chemistry, medicinal chemistry, surface chemistry and nanosciences.
University of Texas Medical Branch UTMB are interested in translating their findings in basic research into diagnostic assays that can be used for early identification of debilitating diseases.