Who Are We?
Who Are We?
The A∙WOL team is comprised of a diverse range of scientists and support staff with a variety of expertise in different disciplines including; parasitology, pharmacology, mathematical modelling, medicinal chemistry (University of Liverpool) and many more skilled people to make up the group based at The Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
This array of expertise possessed by the A∙WOL team means that we are able to create and assess novel compounds in-house, utilising both Brugia malayi and Onchocerca volvulus parasites, the life-cycles of which are also maintained on-site.
A∙WOL is unique in that we see the entire development and discovery pipeline through from start to finish. Drugs that begin as novel compounds in Liverpool, eventually make their way into clinical trials which are carried out by our colleagues in the field.
We work in partnership with a number of different academic and industrial partners who are referenced across this website, and rely on input from our External Scientific Advisory Committee who attend our twice yearly update meetings hosted in the U.K. during the summer, and the U.S. during the ASTMH annual conference each winter.